Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Cucumber and Avocado Soup

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August 10, 2011

Cucumber and Avocado Soup

I whipped this together tonight in about 10 minutes. This is a super quick and easy recipe that makes a great summer soup. Refreshing, satisfying and deeelicious.

Got  S O U P?

Inspired by Penni Shelton.
Serves: 2

Cucumber and Avocado Soup
zest of 1/2 lime
juice of 1 lime
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 cucumber, roughly chopped 
1 avocado, peeled and roughly chopped 
1 granny smith apple, chopped
cayenne pepper, to taste
1 tsp dried cilantro, to taste
pinch of fresh mint leaves  (optional. I used dried)
1 Tbsp mango salsa , chopped tomatoes or a dollop of chipotle

Blend zest, lime juice, salt, cucumber and avocado and apple until creamy. Add mint, blend.

Serve in bowl and sprinkle with cayenne pepper, dried cilantro and a dollop of mango salsa, or substitution, and a sprig of mint leaves. 

Don't forget to stop by RT's ONLINE CAFE and see what's available. 

1 comment :

  1. I love your site. I just started juicing and eating a lot more raw veggies. It's not easy. You have some really fabulous recipes here that I will have to try out. This is great, I am signing up for your newsletter. Thanks!


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