Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Crazy, Nutsy, Banana Bread

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November 12, 2010

Crazy, Nutsy, Banana Bread

A really moist and delicious banana - nut bread. My honey and professional taster, W, gave this a thumbs-up!

With 2 cups of leftover sprouted chickpeas hanging around my kitchen, I wasn't in the mood for any more hummus. What to do?

Not a single raw bread recipe, using sprouted chickpeas to be found anywhere. Given the texture of processed chickpeas, I thought they'd work well in a dough, and I could create a nice bread. It did!

Crazy, Nutsy, Banana Bread
2  cups sprouted chickpeas (or 1 cup sprouted chickpeas and 1 cup buckwheat soaked overnight & sprouted 1 day)                                  
3 ripe bananas
1/2  avocado
1 apple, chopped  
1 small zucchini, chopped                                    
3/4  cup almond meal/flour
1/4  cup ground dark flax seeds
1/2  cup coarsely ground light flax seeds
8  pitted Medjool dates
1/2  cup water
1 Tbsp  olive oil
1 Tbsp lemon juice                                                    
2  tsp cinnamon                                                         
2  tsp  vanilla extract  (2 drops Vanilla Medicine Flower Extract)
2 Tbsp raw honey (agave or yacon syrup)
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup  raisins (set half aside )
1/2 cup walnuts (set half aside)
1/4  cup goji berries 
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (soaked 6 hours)

Add first ten ingredients to bowl and process until mixed well.

Add remaining ingredients to bowl, except for 1/4 cup of raisins and 1/4 cup walnuts and goji berries. Mix until creamy, adding more water if needed until you have a thick, but creamy batter.

Add  remaining walnuts and  raisins, sunflower seeds, and goji berries, and pulse quickly, leaving chunks.

Using an offset spatula, spread batter on non-stick sheet covered dehydrator trays. (I used 2 trays for my b atter) Make edges a little thicker than center, as they dehydrate faster. If batter is sticky, wet spatula with water as needed. Sprinkle with more cinnamon.

Dehydrate 1.5 hours @ 135 degrees. Then 115 degrees for 2-3  hours.Flip onto a mesh tray, removing non-stick sheet by placing a  tray and mesh sheet  on top of bread, hold in place and flip over. Remove top tray with mesh, and slowly peel off non-stick sheet from bread.

Using a dull knife or straight edged spatula, score the bread, creating 4 rows of 4 (16 slices of bread per full tray) and return to dehydrator.  (Put the bread that was in the front before, to the back, closer to the fan).

Dehydrate another 8-10 hours, or longer at 110 degrees, depending on your consistency preference. (I removed some of the thinner pieces earlier, but you could leave them in and make them crunchier and more like a cracker).

Suggestion: Serve with  almond butter and honey.

Or, serve with  Sweet Macadamia Nut Cheese, sprinkled with a dash of cinnamon.


  1. Banana bread is so rich in flavor. It's a wonderul comfort food for me.

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    - Thomas


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