Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Kelp Noodles in Creamy Avocado Pepper Sauce

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January 10, 2011

Kelp Noodles in Creamy Avocado Pepper Sauce

Simple, quick, light and delicious...adapted from a recipe by rawmama.  Kelp noodles are really fun, but you have to know how to use them, or they seem too rubbery. Soak them in water with a little lemon juice and see how soft they become. Their neutral flavor, gently accompanies whatever dressing or marinade you choose.  Sometimes I'll mix them with spiralized zucchini to add more texture.
1 pkg kelp noodles
1/4 - 1/2  cup each, red and yellow bell pepper, julienne
3 carrots, shredded
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 avocado, thinly sliced (optional)
1/4 cup thinly sliced pineapple chunks
1/4 cup papaya, thinly sliced (optional)
1 chili pepper, finely chopped (save as garnish)

1/4 avocado, smashed(optional)
2 tsp light miso
1 tsp raw honey
2 tsp coconut water vinegar (or apple cider vinegar)
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1 Tbsp Nama Shoyu or tamari
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
2 Tbsp sesame oil
sesame seeds and black sesame seeds for garnish

Rinse kelp noodles and soak in filtered water with a little lemon juice for 1- 2 hours. (The lemon acid softens the kelp noodles). Drain in colander.

In a large salad bowl, mix together vegetable ingredients and kelp noodles.

Combine the sauce ingredients in a small bowl and add to veggies.  Mix well.

Garnish with sesame seeds, finely chopped chili pepper and parsley


  1. I love kelp noodles John from lifefood gourmet use to carry them and make such a great dish with them...I use to buy them by the case..and sadly finish them haha

  2. LOVE those kelp noodles, haven't had them for ages. And hey, I thought I was the only person who thought that papaya/avo/miso was a match made in heaven. When I lived in HI, my specialty was a papaya/avo/noni based salad dressing, that I could just about live on and that even noni-haters adored.

    Thanks for sharing, also the tips on using the noodles.


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