Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Walnut Hemp Crackers - Just Like Ritz?

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December 23, 2010

Walnut Hemp Crackers - Just Like Ritz?

Do they taste like Ritz crackers? Many think so. Whether you agree or not, most agree these are very very tasty! My opinion, not exactly Ritz, but they do have a sort of shortbread consistency and remind me of Ritz in an odd way.
They'd be good with a bit of honey in the batter. I brought these to a party last night and served with Garlic and Red Pepper Hummus. It was amusing to watch the SAD eaters look at them kinda strange and ask, "What are those?" As each person tasted them, they were all pleasantly surprised. The crackers were gone in only a few minutes. I wished I had brought more with me. These are my favorite crackers so far!! I'll be making these again.

Tip: Using an offset spatula really helped me spread the batter nice and thin this time. I had to be very patient and take my time. Little by little I ran the spatula across the batter, then turning the tray, did it again, and again, until it was even. Keep a little extra batter in a bowl and use it to fill in gaps that might occur while spreading, or even while dehydrating. Here is the half version of this recipe I made and ended up with about 35 crackers.

Just Like Ritz Crackers - aka (Walnut Hemp Crackers)

I found this on Raw Freedom Community, credited to  Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melingailis adapted from Raw Food, Real World (

2 1/2  cups walnuts soaked 1 hr. or more
2 1/2 cups cubed zucchini
1/2  cup ground golden flax seed
1/4  cup  hemp seed
2 tsp sea salt

Grind walnuts in food processor until they are in very small uniform pieces (cous cous-like consistency) - transfer to a large bowl

Process zucchini in FP until they are in very small uniform pieces - add to bowl

Add ground flax, hemp and salt. Blend well. Add enough water (1/2 - 1 cup) to make spreadable dough.


Divide mixture in half and spread each on a non-stick  sheet lined dehydrator tray using offset spatula.

Dehydrate 115 degrees for 1 hour. Flip onto mesh dehydrator sheets and dehydrate another 8-10 hours)

Break in to chips or score them halfway through after flipping onto mesh sheet.


  1. I don't know what ritz crackers are but I'd love to try these anyway - they look delicious

  2. Would soak the flax overnight myself. Gets rid of the enzyme inhibitors making them more digestible. Plus it gels them up making them the perfect binder where you could leave out the water in the recipe.

  3. good suggestion Trey. I usually soak my flax several hours as well.

  4. These crackers are really good. I made them when I first got the book several years back. I did not find they taste like ritz crackers but they are worth making. I also used this recipe for a pizza crust which went over big. They are very rich and satisfying.

  5. any recommendations to substitute for the hemp seeds? for some reason hemp products do not agree with my stomach

  6. Wind I'd check out other cracker recipes...I may have a few on this site....You could try chia seeds, but I'm not sure how they'd come out. You could also try soaking your hemp seeds several hours or overnight...and see if that makes them any easier to digest for you??? You could also replace half the hemp with chia...and add almond flour or oat'd have to play around, but I've made many crackers without hemp too.


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