Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Garden Chickpea Fritters and Dip(Tzatziki)

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October 30, 2010

Garden Chickpea Fritters and Dip(Tzatziki)

These were such a pleasant surprise. Sprouting took about 3 days and when I took a bite into one of them, I almost gagged. Seriously! I do not like the raw taste of them...alone. But I was determined and figured no one would post a recipe if it  truly tasted that bad. (However, I didn't have much luck with the jicama salad...peeps swore it was great, and I ended up dumping it.) Not two failures in one week for me! No Way!..So gave this a try...

I found  both this recipe and the Tzatziki recipe at the Daily Raw Cafe. Since these are so much like falafel, I figured the Tzatziki would work as a dip. WOW! Really yummy! Yay!

The fritters actually do get crispy on the outside and can be done in about 4 hours! It's a great side dish that even SADers couldn't turn down. It could also be part of a light meal served with soup and salad. That's what we did. W swears that he hates chickpeas too, but he L.O.V.E.D. the fritters! Thanks DRC for another winner.

Chickpea Fritters
2 cups *sprouted chickpeas
1 cup almonds, soaked for 6-8 hours
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4  cup water
1 carrot, peeled, coarsely grated
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1/2 onion, diced
1 small bunch parsley, chopped
1 Tbs  curry powder
1 Tbs  turmeric
1 tsp dried mint leaves
2 Tbs lemon juice
2 Tbs olive oil
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste

Combine the vegetables in a large bowl, add lemon juice, olive oil,
seasonings and sprinkle with a dash of sea salt and black pepper

Process chickpeas, almonds, garlic and water in a food processor or
high-speed blender. Mix until smooth and creamy. Add chickpea mixture to the

Form the mixture into small ping pong-sized balls.

Place on Teflex sheets. Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 2 hours.

 Roll fritters over and dehydrate an additional 2 hours. The balls should
be slightly hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Yields: 25-30 fritters. (You really can't eat more than 3-4 of them. )

Tzatziki (Dip)
1/2 cucumber, peeled and seeded
1/2 cup cashews
1/4 cup water
1 Tbsp coconut water vinegar (or apple cider vinegar)
1 cove garlic, crushed
3 Tbsp fresh mint, chopped (1 Tbsp dried mint)
salt and pepper to taste

In a blender or FP, combine all ingredients. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.
Chill and serve fritters along with sliced carrots, cucumbers and celery,

Yields: 1 cup


  1. I am totatly psyched that you enjoyed the fritters. Thank you for trying out my recipes and writing about it. It is such an honor. I really appreciate it.

    The Daily Raw Cafe

  2. You have lots of great recipes on your site, I will be sure to try!!!



  3. This looks absolutely delicious!!
    Definitely going to give these a try!

  4. i will try this too! Love falafel !!!

  5. wow! these look amazing! i wonder if i can find chickpeas in korea... hmmmm. i'm definitely going to look next time i go to the market! thanks!


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