Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Baked Macaroni and Cheese

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December 18, 2010

Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Posted with permission from Chef Matthew Kenney from his awesome book EverydayRaw - page 98

COMFORT FOOD! Who doesn't miss a  nice big bowl of macaroni and cheese every now and then? Well, you can have it! It's cold here in NJ, and I need to revisit this lovely dish. I'm so excited that Matthew was so kind to let me post this easy to prepare, yet satisfying recipe.

Baked Macaroni and Cheese 
Serves 4 (as a main course)

Cashew Cheese Sauce
1 3/4  cups cashews, soaked 1 - 2 hours
2 Tbsp  lemon juice
2 Tbsp water
1/2  cup olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1/4  cup nutritional yeast (I use half of this, if at all - it's not raw - but it sure does taste good.)
1/4  medium shallot (or 1/2 scallion)
1/2  tsp chili powder ( I used much less)
pinch  of cayenne
pinch of tumeric
1/2 clove garlic, crushed
black pepper to taste

4  - 5 yellow squash, peeled with ends cut off
sea salt
1 - 2 cups kelp noodles, soaked in lemon water to soften (These are optional. I like the added texture.)
1 recipe Cashew Cheese Sauce
walnuts, finely chopped (optional)
chili powder (optional)
Paprika (optional)

Cashew Cheese Sauce
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until completely smooth.

Spiralize squash, or cut into thin noodle-like strips using a peeler.

Roughly chop the noodles and toss with a bit of salt. Let sit for 30-45

If using kelp noodles, use 1 less squash. Soak kelp noodles in warm water and lemon juice for 30 - 60 minutes to soften.

Mix all noodles and Cashew Cheese Sauce in a bowl and spread into a casserole

Optional: Top with finely chopped walnuts and extra chili powder or

Place in bottom of dehydrator at 115 degrees for 1-2 hours to warm before serving.

After the dehydrator, I put this in a "warm" oven (at lowest setting ) for 5 minutes  and it was fabulous. It can be served beautifully as either a side dish or main course with a nice salad or soup.


  1. Oh my, this looks like dinner tonight. I need something warm and comforting. Thanks to you and MK for sharing the recipe :)


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