Since I have started this program, I have more energy, less mood swings, and I feel elated. Here I am, home bound for the most part, still in quite a bit of pain...and I feel elated, excited and passionate about food.
We attended two social gatherings this weekend, and several people commented not only that they could see how passionate I am about food, but when they ate what I prepared, they could actually FEEL the love in the food. The funny thing is, I just commented to W last week that I feel so much love and enthusiasm in preparing these new foods and experience a lot of satisfaction watching others enjoy what I have prepared. I entertained a lot when I was younger, but I don't ever recall feeling this much exuberance about food. I am eating so much less, and feeling so much more satiated. The food is vibrant and alive...and sharing this with loved ones has given me a whole different way of looking at food preparation. Eating raw is simple, and in this simplicity I am loving the colors, textures and flavor combinations of these beautiful living foods. It's amazing. I feel like a different person. Has anyone else had this experience? I would love to hear about it!
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