Sprouted Quinoa Breakfast Delight
1/3 cup sprouted quinoa
1 small, ripe banana
2 tsp (your fav sweetener, according to taste)
1/2 apple, chopped
2 tsp shelled hemp seeds
2 tsp shelled hemp seeds
1 Tbsp organic shredded coconut (optional)
raisins or dried cherries, cranberries
raw walnuts, chopped
Mash banana with a fork. Add to quinoa sprouts. Add remaining ingredients and sweeten to taste. You can warm this in the dehydrator if you like, but it is yummy just as is. ENJOY!
Directions For Sprouting
Directions For Sprouting
Rinse quinoa well and cover with water in a wide-mouth glass jar and lid. Let soak 20-30 minutes. In fact, you don't really have to soak it at all, but I like to give it a jump start. Drain water, rinse, and return to mason jar. Place in a dark cool area, using a jar lid with a screen or cheesecloth to cover it. A rim lid or rubber band will hold cloth in place. Rinse 2-3 times a day until tails form. I like it when the tails are about 1/4" - 1/2" long and quinoa can literally sprout overnight, so keep an eye on it. Once sprouted, rinse well and return to jar, cover, and refrigerate. Rinse daily to retain freshness. Give it a try! It is so easy, and they are great in salads, sandwiches, and garnishes for soup. Dehydrate sprouted quinoa and grind into flour for cookies, breads and crackers.
Sprouted Quinoa Flour
Sprout as directed above until tails just start to form. Rinse and drain and place sprouts on a non-stick dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 110 degrees for about 4 hours. Stir around in between to make sure all sprouts are exposed to air and drying.
That sounds spectacular and easy too. Thanks for another yummy option!
i brought this xmas morning and my non raw family liked it a lot..asked to keep the leftovers to eat the next day!
Groatmeal is yummy too, although I prefer that in the Winter months...
THAT is my FAV!!!
Great post! I'd never heard of sprouting them before... can't wait to try it!
Yeah, I'm coming for breakfast! lol!! I agree, another spectacular and easy recipe! Thank you!! :)
My quinoa didn't sprout and it's been three days, what did I do wrong. I followed the directions exactly, maybe it needs to be in a darker corner? I'll give it another try tomorrow. Any suggestions? I have it in a sprouting with a lid that has holes in it.
It may be your Quinoa is not raw. It may have been pasteurized...generally, it sprouts really fast...never three days...at that point I'd be concerned with mold...try from a different source?? I do mine in kitchen which U.S. Pretty bright...not a problem. Keep us posted!!!
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